
Our Story

Israel 2050 Movement, of Israeli Movement, is working to improve the socio-economic reality in Israel by strengthening the civic influence on the democratic system. We're creating a civic network of smart impact that will change the balance of power for the benefit of the general public.

We believe that the economic and social problems in Israel are not only market-failures, but come due to deep failure in the democratic system. When the public doesn’t take an active part in democracy while interest groups do, they get to hold centralize their power. And thus, the benefit of the public is no longer in the representatives’ best interest.

In seven years, we trained over 600 leaders using our 'smart impact' method, led dozens of civic campaigns together with hundreds of specialists. We’ve succeeded in promoting the law bill to reduce centralism in the banking market; affected coalition agreements; prevented wrongful appointments; stopped banks from entering classrooms; and led an initiative to make social-economic platforms of Parties accessible.

Not everyone can be a “full-time activist”

Our experience has led us to develop the "Smart Impact Model" that ensures that actions are done in the most effective way – and yields results. We are working to create a structural, long-term change and choose to train civic changemakers, focusing on the structure of the democratic system rather than just the people who run it.

“Smart Impact” is a forward-thinking initiative to empower Israeli citizens to bring about constructive Governmental Socio-Economic policy reform. It involves fact-based analysis and solution development; building coalitions around the problem; mapping the solutions to the interests of policymakers; promoting and communicating both the problem and solution; and, finally, providing oversight of policy execution.

How Do We Do It?

Our generation must take responsibility for the social-economic future of Israel. This is why we operate in two avenues: Training – providing knowledge and tools for conscious and effective citizenship, and Action – Creating new civic leadership via policy change.

Smart Impact is a forward-thinking initiative to empower Israeli citizens to bring about constructive Governmental Socio-Economic policy reform.  

Our Story

Israel 2050 Movement, of the National Union of Israeli Students, is working to improve the socio-economic reality in Israel by strengthening the civic influence on the democratic system. We create a civic network of smart impact that will change the balance of power for the benefit of the general public.

We believe that the economic and social problems in Israel are not only market-failures, but come due to deep failure in the democratic system. When the public doesn’t take an active part in democracy while interest groups that take active part and hold power centers. The public good is no longer in the representatives’ best interest.

In seven years, we trained over 600 leaders for smart impact, led dozens of civic campaigns together with hundreds of specialists. We’ve succeeded in promoting the law bill to reduce centralism in the banking market; affected coalition agreements; prevented wrongful appointments; stopped banks from entering classrooms; and led an initiative to make social-economic platforms of Parties accessible.

Not everyone can be a “full-time activist”

Our experience has led us to develop the "Smart Impact Model" that ensures that actions are done in the most effective way – and yields results. We are working to create a structural, long-term change and choose to train civic changemakers, focusing on the structure of the democratic system rather than just the people who run it.

“Smart Impact” is a forward-thinking initiative to empower Israeli citizens to bring about constructive Governmental Socio-Economic policy reform. It involves fact-based analysis and solution development; building coalitions around the problem; mapping the solutions to the interests of policymakers; promoting and communicating both the problem and solution; and, finally, providing oversight of policy execution.

How Do We Do It?

*Smart Impact Model

Our generation must take responsibility for the social-economic future of Israel. This is why we operate in two avenues: Training – providing knowledge and tools for conscious and effective citizenship, and Action – Creating new civic leadership via policy change.